
Uriel Tag

The Celestial Kingdom where the Lord is throned is populated by a number divine beings, the most important are the angels and archangels. But, who exactly are the angels and archangels? What are the differences between them but also what relationship do they have? Finally, what are their respective roles and...

Archangels and Angels also have defined functions that can perform many other tasks. We introduce here the Archangels of Healing. They can handle both and even incurable physical illnesses, as well as psychological and spiritual diseases.   Archangels and Angels are beings of light that exist in the form of pure vibrations...

The archangels, who supervise the angels, are 7. Before being able to call upon them, it’s good to know about their specific characteristics. That way, you can immediately call upon the Archangel in charge of the domain that you wish to change in your life.   The Seven Archangels are heavenly beings...