19 Dec The Winter Solstice… an unexpected blessing
Since the beginning of civilization, we have studied an admired the astronomical cycles that give life it’s flow. The human being, naturally curious, has always gazed at these countless phenomena, especially Equinoxes and Solstices. Today we honor the Winter Solstice as it holds a unparalleled importance to everyone.
The spiritual strength of the longest night of the year
The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year. But what does Winter Solstice mean Spiritually? A majority of people think of winter as a negative thing… the cold, the night, lack of sunlight, weariness… The longest night filled with darkness will dissipate and leave the stage to a new Light. We shouldn’t neglect nor fear this transition as it is, at that precise moment, when our spiritual energies regenerate itself. Our body and spirit purify. They eliminate the heap of negative waves we’ve accumulated and they make space for Love and Light. You are reborn spiritually.
When is the Winter Solstice?
A blessing before the celebrations
On December 21st, right before Christmas, the Winter Solstice blessing comes to mark the beginning of a new cycle. Most of us see it as entering into an annoying and dark epoch, but in reality, all it takes is a bit of good will, to take the good from wherever you can find it, and your spirit will be at ease. December 21st is indeed the shortest day of the year. From there, every day will lengthen, and the sun will fill our bodies (physic, psychic and mental) with light.
Winter Solstice’s benefits:
time to seize new opportunities
A season goes by and a new one takes place, planets alignment is once again shaken. It’s important to pay closer attention to our heart and emotions. The Guardian Angels apply their divine powers to our lives and they stay beside us as we are vulnerable beings, pray to our own feelings. By being aware of all that surrounds us, we can see new possibilities offering themselves, unexpected opportunities, and also beautiful surprises.
This major change is the perfect timing to follow a simple but very healthy ritual. This Winter Solstice Ritual will help you fill yourself with regenerative energies: a recollection dedicated to profound meditation guiding you towards neutral thoughts, to tranquilize your mind and regain control of your emotions. For this, you’ll need to focus on yourself and take the time to understand and accept oneself as you are, as you have evolved. This ritual is essential to forgive ourselves, give a second chance and find the time to tell oneself that “you’ve done your best”, “you are a good being”.
It is the optimal timing to renew your energetic and spiritual strengths!

‘If a tree is naked it doesn’t mean that it’s dead’