25 Feb Angelic Stone – Blue Topaz
When reading your Natal Angelic Chart, you will discover that your Gemstone (or Angelic stone), just like the Planets and Angels, have an influence on your emotional and spiritual bodies throughout your life. Each one of these Gemstones owns special properties and is linked to a specific Archangel. What makes this link so special is its ability to communicate with its dedicated Archangel.
Born between February the 15th and the 19th ? … your Gemstone is the Blue Topaz.
Meaning of the Blue Topaz
You shouldn’t relate to its blue color that recalls water, since the Topaz get its meaning from “Fire” in Ancient Greek. It evokes strength and therefore is used to enhance our physical strength as well as our own protection. It’s also a symbol honesty and purity.
Properties of the Blue Topaz
With a translucent luster, this unique gemstone exists in all colors, but mostly known in Blue. The Blue Topaz boosts inspiration and open-mindedness. Those who wear it are true and honest not only to themselves but to others as well. It also strengthens confidence and manages anger and negative moods. If you are brought to speak in public, the blue topaz, worn near the throat (as a pendant for example), will help you get the most sincere and convincing speech. You will hold your speech with confidence. The Blue Topaz also has healing properties, it helps you to rest, channels the energies necessary to fall asleep and releases you from tensions. And thanks to this Angelic stone, you can also call upon your guardian angel.
Blue Topaz
Guardian Angel Manakel’s Gemstone
The Blue Topaz is connected to the Angel Manakel. Protector of kindness, Manakel helps you gather energy and to interact with others through calm and serenity. He will help you regain confidence and faith. Thanks to this gemstone, your thoughts can be heard by Manakel.
Wear your Angelic stone as a necklace to keep it close, and with Manakel as your guide, you will be more attentive to your surroundings and will speak in public with much more ease.
Discover which gemstone is associated to your guardian angel ! Find out now !