
Guardian Angel Reiyel

The God of nature

29th Kabbalah Angel

Angel Tarot Card: Reiyel

Reiyel lights up the new path of your destiny. He invites you not to see the difficulties of life as a burden, but as a means of personal development.

Who’s my guardian angel?

Born between the 13th and 17th of August: my Guardian Angel’s name is Reiyel


What does Reiyel Means?

Reiyel’s meaning : The God of nature


Who is angel Reiyel?

Angel Reiyel lights up the new path of your destiny.


Angel Reiyel invites you not to see the difficulties of life as a burden or as an obligation, but as a means of personal development.


Determine your priorities. Consider all solutions. Take the right path, and see in all this the way to move forward towards a more serene and balanced life.


Angel Reiyel confirms to you: the positive energies will knock on your door if you maintain a positive mindset. To do this, have confidence in yourself, and find out how your actions can be beneficial to others, your loved ones, or to humanity.


This will help put you on the right track, and beneficial celestial waves of chance will be attracted to you. Therefore, it is your entire existence which will require you to follow the path of success.


Angel Reiyel advises you: in the absolute, do not follow any path which is too predetermined, but draw your own path, always in respect towards other’s beliefs.


And if you ask yourself questions, do not hesitate to question the Angel Reiyel. He will be happy to guide you.

Guardian Angel Reiyel’s characteristics

Angelic Choir: DOMINIONS

Regent Archangel: ZADKIEL

Archangel Zadkiel

Righteousness of God – Considered to be the angel of mercy as he prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac.

Angelic Primary planet: JUPITER

Angelic Planet: Jupiter

Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune. It is also associated with the urge for freedom and exploration.

Angelic Secondary planet: SUN


The Sun represents the ego, personal power and leadership qualities.

Hierarchical Color: BLUE

Angelic Stone: RUBY

Angelic Stone: Ruby

The ruby is considered to be the most powerful gem in the universe. It is known to energize your creativity as well as to strenghten friendship and love.

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