21st Kabbalah Angel
Nelchael pays special attention to the arrival of beneficial events in your life. To succeed in this new existence, you will need to show concentration.
Born between the 2nd and 6th of July: my Guardian Angel’s name is Nelchael
Nelchael’s meaning : The Only God
The Angel Nelchael pays special attention to the arrival of beneficial events in your life.
To succeed and fully blossom in this new existence that awaits you, you will need to show concentration. You need to analyse what has happened to you in the past.
You will then be able to learn from your successes and from your failures. It is where the art of progression lies according to the Angel Nelchael.
He recommends this to you: to overcome difficulties, demonstrate practical-mindedness, and do not remain in the theoretical spheres. Take action!
The Angel Nelchael has the power to promote the arrival of Luck. Thanks to him, it will knock at your door if you behave actively and positively.
He suggests that you take all possible suggestions, but adapt them to your life and to your personality. This will be the best way to succeed.
It is up to you to draw the right cards. You can count on the Angel Nelchael to help you. But avoid stressful situations which oppose Good Luck.
God’s knowledge – He is one of the 9 angels that rule Heaven. He is known for helping people when they need to make important decisions.
Saturn is associated with focus, precision and dedication but also with limitations and restrictions. It influence a person’s long-term planning or foresight.
The Sun represents the ego, personal power and leadership qualities.
Purple Fluorite absorbs and neutralizes negative vibrations. It makes one more receptive to the vibrations of others. Also known as the Genius stone”.
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