53rd Kabbalah Angel
The Angel Nanael offers you his full attention and surrounds you with all his goodness.
Born between the 13th and 16th of December: my Guardian Angel’s name is Nanael
Nanael’s meaning : God of spiritual communication
The Angel Nanael offers you his full attention and surrounds you with all his goodness.
Nanael Angel watches over you, and emphasises: the unfolding of your future will give you great satisfaction, if you invest yourself completely with clear and positive goals.
Be realistic, and do not dream of goals that are impossible to achieve.
The Angel Nanael tells you: be aware of the skills that are likely to help you succeed, and put them into practice as soon as possible in order to improve your personal situation.
If you have trouble setting your goals, ask the help of your Guardian Angel Nanael. However, do not throw yourself into areas without having the necessary skills to succeed.
The Angel Nanael reveals to you: Good Luck will be on your side if you do not run away from reality, and if you stay in an area that suits you.
Rather than trying to commit yourself to a path that is completely new to you, deepen your knowledge and skills in an area in which you have already worked, and in which you wish to receive Good Luck.
The Angel Nanael will ensure that postitive things happen.
Grace of God – Haniel is a supportive guide. He helps develop your intuition, imagination, emotions and gift of clairvoyance.
Venus is associated with harmony, beauty, affections and the need to unite with others. It refers to the desire for pleasure and rules romantic relations.
The Sun represents the ego, personal power and leadership qualities.
Jade enable you to feel more in control of your life. It strengthens your mental faculties and assists in clear reasoning. It brings good fortune.
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