72nd Kabbalah Angel
Angel Mumiah illuminates with all of his light the new paths that your life must now take. He will guide you right to the heart of happiness.
Born between the 16th and 20th of march: my Guardian Angel’s name is Mumiah
Mumiah’s meaning : God the End of the Universe
Angel Mumiah illuminates with all of his light the new paths that your life must now take. He will guide you right to the heart of happiness.
The Angel Mumiah confirms this fact: your life will change if you really make the most of your personal capabilities. Take your time to decide the way forward, but do not waste too much time because opportunities do not last indefinitely.
If you follow this advice, you should receive many opportunities to change your personal situation.
The Angel Mumiah emphasises this: favourable prospects await you if you have confidence in yourself. Be open-minded, and do not give up on your efforts and your vigilance until you have reached your goals.
The Angel Mumiah assures you this: attracting Good Luck should be very easy for you if you accept not to blindly cling to past ideas that you once put into action which didn’t yield the desired results.
Write in black and white, the principles on which you have based these ideas and do not use them again.
These ineffective principles are obstacles that prevent Good Fortune from reaching you. If you want to experience the true rebirth that awaits you, base yourself on new and positive ideas, and Good Luck will be kind to you.
Man of God – He is the herald of the mysteries of God. He typically serves as a messenger sent from God to certain people.
The Moon is associated with a person’s emotional make-up, memories and moods. It reffers to maternal instincts, the home, the need for security and childhood.
Identical as your Major Planet! This phenomenon strengthen it’s core principles
Turquoise brings strength, protects you from harm and enhances your connection with the spiritual world. It carries the wisdom of basic truth.
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