64th Kabbalah Angel
Mehiel carries the truth within him. He will open your eyes to the reality of things that concern you, and to the great opportunities…
Born between the 5th and 9th of February: my Guardian Angel’s name is Mehiel
Mehiel’s meaning : The Vivifying God
The Angel Mehiel carries the truth within him. He will open your eyes to the reality of things that concern you, and to the great opportunities ready to manifest themselves in your life.
The Angel Mehiel notes: you will need to use new ideas to improve your personal situation. To do this, you will need to invest your intellectual activity to find new methods of reflection, and with greater awareness of your environment.
In all cases, you will benefit from the presence and assistance of the Angel Mehiel. When you need him, he will respond and will help you to break down barriers, and to move faster on the path to success.
The Angel Mehiel is convinced: you should benefit from strong currents of Angelic Luck in all areas of your life.
In fact, the Angel Mehiel wants to foster everything that has to do with writing. If you want to succeed in this area or if you wish to use writing in your plans, you will always receive good inspiration that will assist your progress on the chosen path.
It is up to you to use it.
Help of God – Raphael is said to guard pilgrims on their journeys, and is often depicted holding a staff.
Mercury represents the principles of communication and relationships. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly unemotional and curious.
The Moon is associated a person’s emotions, memories and moods.
Diamond is a conductor and amplifier of energy, absorbing thoughts and feelings then radiating them outward. It is a symbol of wealth and abundance.
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