55th Kabbalah Angel
Angel Mebahiah watches over your aura, and over the angelic waves which are very active and which move in and around you.
Born between the 22th and 26th of December: my Guardian Angel’s name is Mebahiah
Mebahiah’s meaning : The Eternal God
Angel Mebahiah watches over your aura, and over the angelic waves which are very active and which move in and around you.
The Angel Mebahiah guesses that you will definitely have more satisfaction in the personal sphere if you have a better understanding of how to improve yourself within it. You will learn by deepening your knowledge through developing new ideas.
In other words, if you act with sufficient openness towards new ways of being, you will reveal any given situation, and quickly reach your goals.
Angel Mebahiah emphasises this: your Good Fortune should be significant in the advantageous angelic phase which is currently opening up to you. You may achieve this if you go towards what is important through devoting yourself to your goals with a positive mindset.
Your behaviour must also be aligned with your thoughts, and you must not demonstrate negative emotions or bad thoughts towards others.
Angel Mebahiah assures you: as long as you cultivate this attitude, Good Fortune will be on your side.
Grace of God – Haniel is a supportive guide. He helps develop your intuition, imagination, emotions and gift of clairvoyance.
Venus is associated with harmony, beauty, affections and the need to unite with others. It refers to the desire for pleasure and rules romantic relations.
Mercury represents the principles of communication and relationships.
Sodalite brings logic into harmony with intuition. It increases your spiritual perception, pulling the knowledge of the higher mind down to the physical level.
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