5th Kabbalah Angel
The Angel Mahasiah will protect you. But to have a successful life, you will need to analyse your past. Orient all your reflections in this direction.
Born between the 10th and 14th of April: my Guardian Angel’s name is Mahasiah
Mahasiah’s meaning : The Savior God
The Angel Mahasiah will protect you. But to have a successful life, you will need to analyse your past. Orient all your reflections in this direction.
Regularly call upon the Angel Mahasiah: ask him for advice. He will show you the path using signs that you will detect if you keep an open mind. It is time for you to find the right direction again; the direction of Truth.
The Angel Mahasiah also asks you to pay special attention to your dreams. They will provide you with answers to improve your emotional life.
It encourages you to have a positive mindset in order to move forward. Consider forgiving certain negative behaviours which others have manifested towards you. Do not waste your energy and your time towards feelings of spite or vengeance.
Devote your strength to moving ahead and growing. Do not hesitate to deepen your knowledge, and to implement it within your daily life. Therefore, under the benevolence of the Angel Mahasiah, Good Fortune will be your friend.
The Angel Mahasiah tells you: acting to reach positive goals will bring happiness to you.
Recording angel – known as the Recording Angel or the Chancellor of Heaven. He is the highest of the angels and serves as the celestial scribe.
Planet Neptune is associated with sensitivity, idealism and compassion, but also with illusion, confusion and deception.
The Sun represents the ego, personal power and leadership qualities.
Jade enable you to feel more in control of your life. It strengthens your mental faculties and assists in clear reasoning. It brings good fortune.
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