34th Kabbalah Angel
Angel Lehahiah sees in his disciples a beautiful harmony that he wants to see flow into your life.
Born between the 8th and 12th of September: my Guardian Angel’s name is Lehahiah
Lehahiah’s meaning : The Gentle God
Angel Lehahiah sees in his disciples a beautiful harmony that he wants to see flow into your life.
But beware! Angel Lehahiah wants to warn you: to benefit from an influx of personal Luck , you will need to avoid problems in all areas that involve authority.
Even if you like seeing through your own ideas, and listening only to yourself, you must accept the realities of existence. We are not alone on Earth.
Once you have accepted this life principle, you will improve many things in your noble existence.
The Angel Lehahiah advises you: avoid rigidity of the mind, be flexible, and adapt yourself to situations.
Angel Lehahiah confirms to you: Good Fortune will come to you if you agree to submit yourself to the Divine laws of attraction with regard to Good Luck.
In order to experience this, you will need to think positive thoughts in order to implement positive plans in the areas where you would like to receive Good Luck. You must always speak well of your plans.
At each milestone, call upon the Angel Lehahiah to help. He will come to your rescue every time if you place your trust in him.
Poison of God – He is an important archangel, a figure who is an accuser, a seducer and destroyer, and has been regarded as both good and evil.
Mars is associated with confidence, sexuality, energy, strength and impulsiveness. Mars is the passionate impulse, the masculine aspect and will-power.
Saturn represents focus and dedication but also limitations.
Quartz enhances and channels energy. Due to its ability to balance, quartz is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one’s environment.
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