46th Kabbalah Angel
The Angel Ariel opens the right path for you, and tells you: to improve your current condition, go forward, take action, and develop a positive mindset.
Born between the 8th and 12th of November: my Guardian Angel’s name is Ariel
Ariel’s meaning : lion of God
The Angel Ariel opens the right path for you, and tells you: to improve your current condition, go forward, take action, and develop a positive mindset.
If you call upon the help of the Angel Ariel regularly and with confidence, it should allow you to have creative and innovative ideas in the personal realm.
You should discover certain secrets and principles that you have ignored until now, but that are indispensable if you really want to improve your life situation. Do not rush, but take the time to start your plans without setting time limits which are too strict, but do not procrastinate either.
The Angel Ariel wishes to clarify this: you will find it hard at first to benefit from the favours of Lady Fortune, but if you agree to be patient and to go through a few setbacks, Good Fortune will eventually find you.
The Angel Ariel recommends this: concede from time to time. Let the beneficial energies manifest themselves in your life. Beware of certain false ideas which seem good- that may lead you on wrong paths.
Strength of God – He is considered as the defender of the faith and is depicted as a commander holding a sword in his right hand.
the Sun represents the conscious ego, personal power, leadership qualities and the principles of creativity,health and vitality. It rules over life-force.
Venus is associated with beauty and rules romantic relations.
Peridot is a protector against negative emotions. It allows one to find the gift in any experience, and shows how to forgive oneself.
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