63rd Kabbalah Angel
The Angel Anauel has thousands of beneficial talents which you can enjoy.
Born between the 31th and 4th of February: my Guardian Angel’s name is Anauel
Anauel’s meaning : The Gentle God
The Angel Anauel has thousands of beneficial talents which you can enjoy.
The Angel Anauel invites you to maintain a balance between your current life, and the one to which you aspire. Find the best way to make your contribution to humanity. If you have doubts or questions on how you should get there, ask for help from the Angel Anauel by sharing your personal reasons for taking action.
If what you want to undertake really harmonises with the angelic plans, then you will succeed.
The Angel Anauel confirms: Luck is truly at your door. To let it in you will need to act in a constructive way.
The Angel Anauel wants you to take note if what you proceed to do in a particular area really contributes to the unity of man and the harmony of the universe.
If you do not have any Luck in a certain area or in a certain way of approaching things, then try to succeed in another area or in another way. The situation will then quickly free itself. The Angel Anauel will ensure this.
Help of God – Raphael is said to guard pilgrims on their journeys, and is often depicted holding a staff.
Mercury represents the principles of communication and relationships. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly unemotional and curious.
Identical as your Major Planet! This phenomenon strengthen it’s core principles
The sapphire is the symbol of heaven and joyful devotion to God. It contributes to mental clarity and perception. It can also promote financial rewards.
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